Juniors, here's your timeline for your college applications
Juniors, unfortunately you can't just complete all your college applications with a press of a button, so here's a monthly schedule to keep you organized and moving forwards. Of course you have to adjust the plan for what works for you, but here's a start.There is definitely a lot to do, and creative students have more to submit than most non-creative students AND film and performing arts students you may have earlier deadlines so make sure you check the deadlines for your programs.
February - Get organized
Determine if you will take standardized tests, if you will, plan a study and exam schedule (more schools are starting to require tests so be sure to check what's needed)
Get the schedule of college visits from your high school guidance office and add it to your calendar
Start researching colleges and programs, talk to seniors and recent graduates to learn about schools you might not know about
Create a folder to start managing all the information you learn about schools and programs
Plan a spring break college visit trip if you can
Make a list of your extracurricular activities and awards in high school
Research and plan for a meaningful summer activity including a job, schools love students who work
Plan your summer activities, pre college programs, or jobs
March - Visit schools
Start visiting college campuses. If you don't have time to travel, visit some schools near you to get a feel for different campus types
Take your list of extracurricular activities and turn it into a resume
Visual artists if you don't already have one create an Instagram page for just your art
Performing artists make a resume of your roles in high school
Film students start adding your films to YouTube
April - Prepare to ask for recommendations
Using your resume start your "Brag Sheet" which you may need for counselor and teacher recommendations
Visual artists start curating and organizing your artwork to see what you need to create before you apply (you will most likely need 20-25 pieces)
Performing artists start researching possible monologues (you will most likely need at least two)
Film students you will need short 3-5 minute films, but some schools require you to respond to prompts so you will have to wait until those schools release their prompts around August 1
May - Testing decisions
Ask for teacher recommendations
Finish the semester strong, junior year is the most important year to get good grades
Review your transcripts and make sure they are correct
Decide if you need to (re)take standardized tests
Bring home ALL your artwork from school and if you can't bring it home take lots of photographs of it
June - Brainstorm prompts
Continue to research the colleges on your list, make plans to visit if you can
Brainstorm the Common Application personal statement prompts (2024 prompts) and University of California personal insight questions (2024 PIQs) if they are on your list
Update your extracurricular activities and awards list and your resume
July - Review application questions
Write a draft of your Common Application personal statement
Review your college list and rank each college as yes/no/maybe as well as reach/target/likely
Evaluate if you should answer any additional Common Application prompts
Covid if you were positively or negatively impacted during the pandemic besides being lonely and bored
Change in Educational Progression to explain if you changed schools or had a break in your education during high school
Additional Information to explain any unusual classes, progression or activities changes, or any special circumstances that you want admissions to understand when reading your application
August - Organize supplemental requirements (essays and creative materials)
Create a Common Application login and complete the Profile, Family, and Education sections
Select your "yes" and "maybe" schools on the Common Application
Calendar ALL the due dates on your college list -- including early and regular decision, scholarship, honors college, creative supplement due dates
Find and add ALL the supplemental essay prompts for the colleges on your list to a doc
Find ALL the creative supplement requirements for the colleges on your list
Review your creative material against the requirements for each college and plan how you will prepare what may be missing
Write your Common Application personal statement to be 80% complete
If you are applying to any non Common Application colleges (University of California, Cal State, MIT, UCAS etc colleges) begin those applications, note prompts, creative supplements and deadlines
September - Finalize college list and start applications
Finalize your college list and determine if you will apply to any schools Early Decision (binding) or Early Action (non binding) and if any programs require you to submit early (many film and performing arts applications are due November and December)
Confirm your teacher recommendations and makes sure they are aware of your due dates, if there is a problem quickly determine your next choice and talk to them ASAP
Request transcripts be sent to the colleges on your list, make sure your school knows about ALL your early applications
Finish your Common Application personal statement
Organize all your supplemental essays based on their due dates
Brainstorm supplemental and creative prompt responses
October - Stay focused
Write supplemental prompt responses
Finalize portfolio submissions and document as necessary
Submit prescreen audition materials and select audition dates where possible
November - Submit early applications
Finalize all written responses
Finalize all creative supplements
HIT SUBMIT on early applications -- CONGRATULATIONS
December - Evaluate second wave of applications
Review your early decisions and determine schools for regular decision
Check your email and portals regularly and respond to any requests
Complete FAFSA and CSS if needed
SUBMIT all applications BEFORE winter break so you can enjoy some deserved time off -- CONGRATULATIONS!!
January - Stay focused
Focus on exams, these are the last academic grades colleges will see
Respond with Letters of Continued Interest for deferred decisions
Continue to check your email and college portals regularly and respond to any requests for additional information
February - Stay calm, take a breath
Stay calm
Check your email and college portals regularly and respond to any requests for additional information
March - Enjoy your successes
Check your email and college portals regularly decisions will start to trickle in.
Don't worry if a friend hears before you, some schools stagger decision releases
April - Attend accepted students days
Learn when Accepted Student Day is scheduled and visit your accepted schools
Decline schools you will not attend
Hit ACCEPT to the college which is lucky enough to have you -- CONGRATULATIONS
Download this list and keep it handy.
Learn how we can help your student stay organized and focused for all steps of their college application process. Set a meeting today, here's our calendar.