Informing your college application journey.
Juniors, here's your timeline for your college applications
This checklist tells you what Juniors should focus on and when as you apply to college. Junior year in high school can be very busy. Creative students need to start researching colleges early as they will need to prepare and submit portfolios and audition materials, in addition to writing many supplemental essays. A downloadable checklist tells you what you should focus on and when as you apply to college.
Juniors, Four Great Tips for Writing Your Brag Sheet
We all hate bragging about ourselves, but sometimes you have to do it. Here are four great tips for writing a brag sheet and getting strong counselor recommendations, and ideas for your personal statement! A win-win for you!
Juniors, do some (or all) of these college application tasks over the summer to greatly reduce your stress in the fall
Have fun over the summer, but squeeze in time to do some of these college application tasks and your fall will be less stressful, and you’ll feel so accomplished!